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About Titan YDSA

Titan YDSA is the California State University, Fullerton chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America, the youth wing of the Democratic Socialists of America. Encompassed in our organization are communists, democratic socialists, and all others who seek to develop socialism within the United States and around the world, as well as those who fight for international liberation.

We are aligned locally with the Orange County chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, and frequently partner with other organizations across Orange County and at Cal State Fullerton. Having been previously founded by Byron in 2019, who would later chair OC DSA, we re-incorporated ourselves in 2024 to tackle the monumental challenges faced by students at CSUF.

You can view the most recent version of our Constitution, which sets forth all official rules of Titan YDSA, here. You can also visit the YDSA national website for more information and to view our standing as a YDSA chapter. Below is our official program, objectives, and the current membership of our Steering Committee.

Steering Committee, Summer/Fall 2024

Saffa Nahi


Jack Henderson

Vice President

Amy Parker

General Secretary

Annette Sorensen

Treasurer/Social Media Coordinator


CSU Divestment

Titan YDSA is a proud member of the CSU Student Divestment Coalition, a movement across all 23 campuses of the California State University system which demands disclosure of all CSU investments, divestment from companies that financially and materially support genocide, a defense of the student movement for international liberation (including amnesty for protesting students, faculty, and staff), and declarations regarding the internationally illegal and clearly immoral actions of the Zionist regime.

LGBTQ+ Rights

Beginning with our members’ individual fights for queer liberation at CSUF, such as the fight for preferred name rights on campus documents/identification cards, Titan YDSA has campaigned to uplift the queer community on campus and oppose the growing marginalization of queer people that has affected California from Temecula to Orange. We were first on the scene when campus administration stopped flying the Pride flag – and we keep our fights going.

Tuition Hikes

Titan YDSA is a member of the CSU Students Against Tuition Hikes coalition, one of the first movements to rebuild CSU-wide unity and fight back against the 34% tuition hikes which threaten the ability of low-income students across California to obtain higher education. While a smaller issue on the scale of major world events, fighting against these hikes is still critical to preserve California’s institutions. We are the future of this state and of this nation – and we cannot continue to develop it without being educated.

Police Militarization

From Fullerton Police Department – who regularly kills innocent people on Fullerton’s streets – to CSUF’s University Police Department – who continues to employ known murderers in their ranks – we strongly fight alongside the community to protect our cities and our institutions from overpolicing and police militarization. Armed descendants of slave patrols should not be allowed to destroy our communities and target people of color with impunity, and we fight for an end to the system of modern policing.

ASI Reform and Transparency

The student government at CSUF – Associated Students, Inc. – has long been corrupt and rejected basic ideas of transparency and fairness. From redacting documents to firing political opponents, ASI has had a long pattern of corruption – and as the students of Cal State Fullerton, we are determined to stop it. We work with the CSUF chapter of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan (MEChA), as ASI’s corruption affects CSUF’s Latinx students the most.

Our Program and Values

Work in progress…

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