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Titan YDSA Opposes AOC Endorsement Campaign, Condemns DSA Zionism Apologia

To all members of the Democratic Socialists of America and the Young Democratic Socialists of America, with special regards to the DSA National Electoral Committee, the DSA National Political Committee, the YDSA National Coordinating Committee, the Steering Committee of Orange County DSA, the Palestine Solidarity Working Group of DSA Los Angeles, the DSA Long Beach Steering Committee, the Inland Empire DSA Steering Committee, and the New York City DSA Steering Committee,

As the California State University, Fullerton chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America, better known as Titan YDSA, we oppose in the strongest terms any consideration of re-endorsing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), and strongly condemn any support of her within DSA — from the national level down to individual chapters.

DSA has long rallied around AOC as an example of a democratic socialist in power. While we as an organization have never supported her or her policies, and our membership has prior to our existence opposed her, we understand previous desires among the more liberal contingents of DSA to use her in DSA promotional materials and support her candidacy. 

Our personal refusal to endorse her, which under normal circumstances could be communicated through the standard DSA endorsement process, is strong — but would not normally rise to the level of a public condemnation. What has occurred recently, however, requires one.

From attacking anti-Zionist DSA members to failing to adequately fight against efforts in Congress to condemn and criminalize those who oppose genocide, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and many other members of her liberal contingent have continued to uphold the United States’ complicity in the genocide and occupation of Palestine. Her pathetic attempts to play “both sides” amid the US-funded destruction and terror being faced by Palestinians in Gaza is completely unconscionable, and deserves a complete condemnation by all.

Instead, DSA has allowed supporters of AOC to lead a re-endorsement campaign within the organization, providing official DSA media platforms for her supporters to voice their positions. Several DSA chapters have publicly decided to stand behind her, including New York City DSA. Among other chapters, the silence around her has been deafening.

As we work together to fight for socialism and the liberation of the international proletariat from the chains of capitalism and fascism, this refusal to condemn such horrendous comments and actions only causes more division and enables her behavior. Other organizations refuse to work with DSA as a result — and rightfully so, as they should not have to deal with organizations who allow Zionism to persist as a de facto organizational endorsement. 

DSA, listen to the leaders of the Columbia encampment, who condemned AOC for her co-optation of their encampment. Listen to organizers throughout Los Angeles, who have been pushing back against AOC and the other actions taken by Zionists and their apologists to disrupt the global intifada. Listen to Orange County DSA and the many other DSA chapters who have issued official statements begging you not to support Zionism. Listen to your members.

At Titan YDSA, we will never support Zionism and its apologists. We will always fight for the liberation of the Palestinian people and oppose any attempts to co-opt that fight. AOC and all others who act directly in support of Zionists — including the supporters of Genocide Joe — will never be welcome here, and we will never support them. It’s far beyond time for the rest of DSA to do the same.

I certify that the above letter is an official communication of the California State University, Fullerton chapter of the Young Democratic Socialists of America (“Titan YDSA”).

Amy Parker
General Secretary, Titan YDSA

This is a reformatting of our recent statement submitted to the DSA Discussion Board and to other platforms. You can view the original version here.

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