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Special (Election) Meeting – 2024/06/24

This agenda will be updated with minutes upon the conclusion of the meeting.

This meeting will be conducted over Discord with exclusivity, and shall begin at approximately 10 A.M.

  1. Call to Order
    Vice President Jack calls the meeting to order 10:09 A.M.
  2. Roll Call
    Present – GS Amy, Treasurer/Social Media Coordinator Olive, Advisor Eric Canin, Vice President Jack
  3. Approval of the Agenda
    Amy moves to approve the agenda. Jack seconds. No objections, motion passes.
  4. Special Election – Treasurer, Summer 2024-Spring 2025 (beginning Thursday, 2024/06/27)
    The following candidates have requested access to, and qualified, for the ballot:

    Annette Sorensen

    Floor nominations may be conducted through a Motion to Appeal. An affirmative vote is still necessary to approve the winning candidate. No floor nomination will be accepted for a candidate who is not a dues-paying or dues-waived member of DSA, who is not a full voting member of Titan YDSA, or who does not meet the CSU requirements for Minor Student Representative Student Representative Officers (Titan YDSA Cons., art. IV, § 3).

    Amy moves to approve Annette as Treasurer and Social Media Coordinator. Seconded by Olive. No objections, motion passes. Amy will report back to YDSA National within ten business days of the new appointment.
  5. Resolutions
    24-01: Condemning and Prohibiting Zionism (cons. 1/2, rec. 2/3)
    Friendly amendment made by General Secretary Parker prior to the meeting’s commencement, inserting new Resolve 4 after Resolve 3 (constitutional amendment clause), to read:

    RESOLVED, that Titan YDSA does not support or endorse any individual who supports Zionism or engages in Zionism apologia, including Genocide Joe, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Jamaal Bowman, and Nydia Velásquez, and shall not do so until at minimum they renounce their support for or endorsement of other genocide apologists, condemn Zionism and Zionism apologia, defend anti-Zionists, and affirm the Palestinian people’s right of resistance; and let it be further

    Amy-Canin amendment moved by Amy. Olive seconds. No objections, motion passes.
    Amy moves to approve. Jack seconds. No objections, motion passes.

    EX-01: Signing “An Open Letter to the NPC Regarding Nithya Raman” (cons. 1/2, rec. 2/3)
    Added by special necessity in the discretion of the General Secretary (may be removed from agenda by majority or by decision of the Chair).

    Amy moves to approve. Jack seconds. No objections, motion passes.
  6. Discussions
    Recruitment and Summer Outreach: How can Titan YDSA do outreach to students over the summer?
    Amy will set up a LettuceMeet for tabling this week.

    Endorsements: guidance action item, directing the General Secretary to solicit requests from candidates for endorsements from Titan YDSA; canvassing support.
    Amy moves to direct. Olive seconds. No objections, motion passes.

    Coalition building: connections with community colleges, high schools, under-active colleges
    Meeting with Cerritos College Humanitarian Club on Friday; talks with OCC professor.

    Targeting President-appoint Ronald Rochon: since we can’t directly contact him yet, how can we prepare for activation day (July 22)?

    Branding: creation of a standardized circular Titan YDSA logo; replacing CSUF YDSA branding with Titan YDSA; standard email signature
  7. Rank-and-File Privilege
    This section may be used to raise any points of discussion, clarification, or question by full voting members, honorary members, and alumni members, or by the Advisor.
  8. Secretary’s Report
    Mandatory unilateral amendments – while we have successfully challenged nearly every “new additional provision” so far, Student Life and Leadership has required the insertion of Article III, Section 9, new Subsection 1. We have added mitigating language to the section to minimize the effect it will have on the intents passed by the membership while granting no additional powers to the Steering Committee or imposing new restrictions on the members, but it is still a change that should be reported.

Amy moves to adjourn. Olive seconds. Jack objects. Amy: aye. Olive: aye. Jack: aye. Canin (a): aye. 3+1 ayes, 0 nays, 0 abstentions, meeting is adjourned at 10:56 A.M.

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