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General Meeting – 2024/10/1

Minutes have been added to this agenda.

This meeting will take place in Humanities 212 and will begin at approximately 10 A.M. A Zoom option will be available for those who cannot come in person.

  1. Call to Order
    Jack calls the meeting to order at 10:06 AM.
  2. Roll Call (1 min)
    Present: Jack, Chris, Bella, Elijah, Amy, Jose, Mario, Damian, Saffa
  3. Approval of the Agenda (1 min)
    Amy moves to approve the agenda. Jack seconds. No objections, motion passes.
  4. Membership Drive (5 min)
    General Secretary Amy Parker will help anyone who isn’t a full official member join Titan YDSA formally (DSA dues registration, YDSA chapter selection, membership roster enrollment, TitanLink membership).
  5. General Secretary’s Announcements (3 min)
    Special Upcoming Events
    October 9 OpSec Training
    October 14 Doctors Event
  6. President/Vice President’s Announcements (4 min)
    Communications from OCDSA
    OCDSA Steering Committee Nominations
    Yorba Linda High School – Mustang YDSA Organizing Committee
    Irvine Valley College – IVC YDSA Organizing Committee
  7. Treasurer Announcements (2 min)
    Panda Express Fundraiser Update
    Hala Support Update
  8. Organizing Committee Announcements (5 min)
    Tabling Schedules
    Crossover from GS: President Rochon Meeting, Divestment Research
  9. Advisor Search (15 min)
    Steering Committee will provide an update on the current situation with our advisor, and lead a discussion on what attributes members would like to see in the next advisor.
    Elijah: Also recommended Dr. Dia. Concurs that she has a decent understanding of socialism, isn’t rabidly anti-communist.
    Jack: reach out to the libertarian Marxist? Want someone who is a lot more involved.
    Bella: Someone who follows through with commitments, organized, prepared, aligned with our beliefs (particularly with anti-Zionism).
    Chris: Look for the History and Philosophy departments. Several pro-Palestinian professors there. Could have a class on socialism, and is welcoming. Recommending Dr. Dia, teaches history of fascism and Spanish Civil War; is on tenure track- should at least reach out.
    Jose: Has dealt with a lot of advisors. Look for someone who is tenured, more leeway in what they get involved in (harder to fire).
  10. Event Proposals (25 min)
    Members will vote on whether to move forward with the following action proposals, and what to do with them:
    – October 3: Internship/Career Expo Anti-Cops Protest
    – October 8: Student Strike/Walkout
    Members will also discuss and vote on the possibility of having an Organizers Social, which may include other organizations. Members will also brainstorm ideas for future actions and events.

    Amy moves to indefinitely postpone the Internship/Career Expo proposal. Jack seconds. No objections, motion passes.
    Amy moves to hold a divestment research group 10AM 10/8 in lieu of the student strike. Saffa seconds. No objections, motion passes.
  11. Discussion Forum (20 min)
  12. Adjournment (must occur no later than 11:20 A.M.)
    Amy moves to adjourn. Elijah seconds. No objection, motion passes. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 AM.

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