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General Meeting – 2025/02/04

Minutes have been added to this agenda.

This meeting shall take place in TSU Gilman AB and shall run from 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM. Attendees are highly encouraged to come in-person; however, those who are unable can join via Zoom.

  1. Call to Order
    Saffa called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
  2. Roll Call (5 min)
    Present: Saffa, Jack, Getz, Roman, Jordi, Kamal, Kason, Landon, Racheal, Krish, Masen, Leigham, Mario, Tyree, Amy, Bianca, Chris, Bella, Ajax, Tristan, Sarah, Annette
  3. Approval of the Agenda (1 min)
    Amy moves to approve the agenda. Getz seconds. No objections, motion passes.
  4. Membership Drive (5 min)
    The Steering Committee will help attendees join the Discord and become formal members of Titan YDSA.
  5. Reports (10 min)
    President Saffa Nahi: UCI Platypus Affiliated Society is holding the PAS West Cost Conference on February 15 at UCI. Amy will be speaking during the What is a Political Party for the Left? panel at 4 or 5 PM at 1030 Humanities Gateway.

    Vice President Jack Henderson: Will be continuing to look into having a range day with the Socialist Rifle Association. Chapter will be focusing on a recruitment drive to help protect student rights as we enter the second Trump presidency.

    General Secretary Amy Parker: Hey everyone! I was recently elected OCDSA Secretary. This Sunday’s OCDSA BDS/Palestine Working Group meeting is cancelled, next one is on February 23. That’s one day after the February Socialist Forum on Palestine – Feb 22, UCI, 11am-1:30pm, room still TBD. SJP and YDSA are still recruiting for the Divestment Committee if you want to join, link is or We are also going to be having a training on Constitutional rights and how to sue the Trump administration to protect your rights on February 12 at 4PM; in-person room TBD, but you can register for the Zoom meeting (open to all, not just students) at We also have more workshops coming soon, stay tuned!

    Treasurer Annette Sorensen: no report.

    SMC Mario Lugo: no report.

    CEP Bella Rollison: CHANGE ASI! candidates must attend the Mandatory Candidate Orientation from 11am to 1pm on February 13. You can be excused from class to attend this orientation.
  6. Event Ideas and Planning (20 min)
    Members will discuss both currently in-planning events (Immigration KYR, Fundraiser, March(?) Bowling Social, Range Day) and other events that Titan YDSA should host, including but not limited to protests, political education events, and trainings.

    Tristan suggested a “Death to CEOs” or “Death to Landlords” rally. Amy overruled this suggestion on legal/Constitutional grounds and terminated discussion on this item.

    Chris is working on immigration-related matters and is planning a KYR session in late February or early March. OC Justice Fund has agreed to host, and we will be planning KYR canvassing work within Fullerton. OCDSA has finalized a KYR flier regarding ICE warrants. Needs CEP/GS support to get a room for the KYR.

    Bianca recommended as a way to build off the anti-ICE protests on Monday that we start a Food Not Bombs campaign at CSUF. After a short discussion, Amy moved to appoint Bianca as our Food Not Bombs Coordinator. Saffa seconded. With no objections, the motion passes.

    Saffa led a discussion on why members joined Titan YDSA. The following categories and multiplicities were listed.
    Workers rights (2)
    Prison abolition
    Racism (6)
    Political theory/education
    Homophobia and Transphobia (3)
    Deportation/Immigration Defense (4)
    Sexism (2)
    Accessibility and Special Needs
    The Judicial System
    Police demilitarization/abolition (2)

    Saffa asked members to discuss YDSA for the first 5 minutes of their classes to recruit new members and see what the key needs of students are.
  7. Member’s Privilege
    Members can introduce any permissible motions or discuss any topic of their choosing. This is the perfect time for new/less involved members to step up, discuss something they want to do, and get the support of the membership.

    No topics of note were introduced during Member’s Privilege.
  8. Adjournment
    The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM.

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