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Condemning Zionism: Resolution 24-01

WHEREAS, Zionism – the ideology centered around turning the land of Palestine into an occupied settler-colonial ethnostate through the genocide of the Palestinian people – is a imperialist, genocidal, and hateful ideology that has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the displacement of millions, all while furthering the capitalist regime, and

WHEREAS, among the American ruling class, Zionism has become the normal ideology due to its ability to further capitalism and promote destruction and colonialism in the Middle East, including through the colonization of Palestine which reaps massive profits for American corporations, and

WHEREAS, we have a duty in our fight for international liberation to fight against all forms of imperialism, including Zionism, to the furthest extent possible, and to rebuke all those who seek to uphold any form of imperialism; and

WHEREAS, the credibility of the Democratic Socialists of America and its youth wing, the Young Democratic Socialists of America, has been tarnished by Zionist members, apologia for Zionism, and a refusal to cease supporting those who engage in Zionism apologia, which has significantly impacted organizing actions by DSA and YDSA chapters; and

WHEREAS, since its inception, Titan YDSA has made clear it does not support any form of imperialism, including Zionism, or any form of discrimination against individuals at CSUF or in other places, including Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims; and

WHEREAS, it is important to clarify the official stance of Titan YDSA regarding Zionism to protect our relationships with other community organizations, uphold our credibility, and continue to fight back against the evils of Zionism; and

WHEREAS, in a further development of our nondiscrimination requirements, it is reasonable and responsible to require members of Titan YDSA to reject Zionism and not engage in Zionism apologia as a condition of membership; and

WHEREAS, due to CSUF Student Life and Leadership policy and for the protection of our membership, it is not a reasonable enough solution to simply expel members through the standard grievance process for being Zionists; let it be

RESOLVED, Titan YDSA explicitly and clearly opposes Zionism, the occupation of Palestine by the Zionist regime, the ongoing genocide being perpetrated in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the apartheid occurring in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and all other aspects of Zionism; and let it be further

RESOLVED, that upon passage, the following verbiage shall be voted on as a Constitutional Amendment in the next Titan YDSA meeting, to be immediately ratified to the national Young Democratic Socialists of America and ratified pending approval of the current Constitution to CSUF Student Life and Leadership, upon passage of the amendment:

Article III, Section 2 is hereby amended, to read:
2. Membership in this Chapter shall be open to all regularly enrolled California State University, Fullerton students who are dues-paying or dues-waived members of the Young Democratic Socialists of America or the Democratic Socialists of America. Titan YDSA reserves the right to deny membership based on its policies or on a reasonable belief that an individual is requesting to join to disrupt the activities of the Chapter.

And let it be further RESOLVED, that Titan YDSA does not recognize the Zionist entity and apartheid state referred to in some contexts as the “State of Israel,” and declares that the Occupied Palestinian Territories are the homeland of the Palestinian people, who have a right to resist occupation, defend their land, and return to their land; and let it be further

RESOLVED, that Titan YDSA does not support or endorse any individual who supports Zionism or engages in Zionism apologia, including Joe Biden, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Jamaal Bowman, and Nydia Velásquez, and shall not do so until at minimum they renounce their support for or endorsement of other genocide apologists, condemn Zionism and Zionism apologia, defend anti-Zionists, and affirm the Palestinian people’s right of resistance; and let it be further

RESOLVED, that the General Secretary is directed upon passage of this resolution to disseminate an electronic copy of it to the YDSA Discord, the DSA Discussion Board, the Orange County DSA Slack; and to provide it as a post on

The paper-formatted version of this resolution can be found here.

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