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General Meeting – 2024/09/10

Minutes have been added to this agenda.

This meeting will take place in Humanities 212 and will begin at approximately 4 P.M. A Zoom option will be available for those who cannot come in person. Those who miss the meeting can schedule a 1-on-1 with a Steering Committee member in Discord to be caught up on what was missed.

  1. Call to Order
    President Saffa Nahi calls the meeting to order at 4:06 PM.
  2. Roll Call (1 min)
    Present: Byron, Jensen, Councilmember Shana Charles, Advisor Eric Canin, Jack, Amy, Saffa, Annette, Christian, Bella, Jacob, Kathy, Khoi, Mario, Ajax
    Absent: Kamal, Juniper, Juan, Jose, Elijah, Masen, Crystal, Simon, Joel
  3. Approval of the Agenda (1 min)
    Jack moves to approve the agenda. Annette seconds. No objections, motion passes.
  4. Membership Drive (5 min)
    General Secretary Amy Parker will help anyone who isn’t a full official member join Titan YDSA formally (DSA dues registration, YDSA chapter selection, membership roster enrollment, TitanLink membership).
  5. Parliamentary Procedure Overview (5 min)
    General Secretary Amy Parker will explain how to make motions, seconds, and amendments, as well as the motions to appeal, table, postpone, and adjourn.
  6. General Secretary’s Announcements
    Larry Agran Endorsement Update
    CSU-Wide Call Report-Back
    CSUF Divest General Assembly
  7. President/Vice President’s Announcements
    UFCW 324 Quarterly on 9/11
    Looking for Organizing Committee members. Looking for connections to bring in big groups like MEChA, SJP. Please join Organizing Committee!!
  8. Treasurer’s Announcements
    Panda Express Fundraiser Update
  9. Discussion Forum
    Members can use any remaining time until Dr. Charles arrives to discuss anything they feel is relevant, or make any recommendations to the Steering Committee and Organizing Committee.
  10. Time Certain: Councilmember Dr. Shana Charles (4:30 PM)
    Fullerton City Councilmember and CSUF Public Health Professor Dr. Shana Charles will hold a question-and-answer session during which members may ask any question about the City of Fullerton and the City Council.
    Speaker order: Amy, Krish, Jack, Bella, Ajax, Krish, Eric, Cathy, Chris
  11. Convocation
    Discussion will be held on actions regarding 2024 Convocation.
  12. Adjournment
    Amy moves to adjourn. Annette seconds. No objections, motion passes. Meeting adjourned at 5:52 PM.

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