Minutes will be added to the agenda after the meeting.
This meeting shall take place in Humanities 516 and shall run from 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM. Attendees are highly encouraged to come in-person; however, those who are unable can join on Zoom.
- Call to Order
Jack calls the meeting to order at 7:06 PM. - Roll Call
Present: Amy, Ajax, Jose, Cathy, Masen, Mario, Liam, Auliver (n.v.), Khoi, Jack, Sarah, Marcelino (n.v.), Bella
Excused: Saffa - Approval of the Agenda
Mario moves to approve the agenda. Masen seconds. No objections, motion passes. - Membership Drive
Amy introduced the membership process to our two new members. - General Secretary’s Announcements
Illegal seizure of Lebanon
Syria US-and-AQ-backed coup, deposing of Assad, seizure of Golan, threats to AANES
YDSA Chicago Winter Conference – trying to get funding
Still looking for ASI BOD candidates!
Need to fulfill Zein’s motion to release a post-election statement and Amy’s motion to coordinate a community event for marginalized LGBTQ+ people at CSUF, local HSes/CCs; statement coordination directed to Saffa, coordination to Bella.
Going to contact Councilmembers over Winter Break – Saffa? - President/Vice President’s Announcements
- Treasurer’s Announcements
- Officer Announcements
Bella (Membership, Events):
Aiden (Unionizing ASI):
Mario (Social Media): No updates, just posting.
Khoi: Update on SK – pressuring was done, President wanted to arrest opposition leaders, lead an assassination unit normally targeted at NK, kill opposition leaders if not arrest. Going to provoke an attack from NK against SK to fully declare martial law; plan fell through.
Krish (Undocumented Defense): planning to meet up with people, pass out fliers, start introducing people to it and get more support. - Authorization to Seek and Expend Funds
Members will vote on whether to authorize the Steering Committee to solicit funding, including but not limited to from ASI, the CSUF administration, and YDSA National, to fund travel to the YDSA Winter Conference, and authorize expenditures as such.
Mario moves to authorize as described. Masen seconds. No objections, motion passes. - Blind Visual Aid Project Proposal
Sarah will present a project proposal at CSUF and may seek action and advice from the membership.
Amy moves to postpone official consideration of campaign adoption to the January 28 meeting. Mario seconds. No objections, motion passes. - Special Election of the President and Vice President
Candidates may self-nominate for Vice President, and may self-nominate for President if they meet the CSU Chancellor’s Office Minimum Requirements for Minor Student Officers (MRMSOs).
Qualified President candidates:
Saffa Nahi
Qualified Vice President candidates:
Jack Henderson
Floor nominations will be permitted by motion. One candidate = motion of acclimation, two candidates = roll call vote contest (absolute majority required), three candidates = RCV.
Krish floor nominates himself for President. Ajax seconds. No objections, motion passes.
Mario moves to elect Saffa as President. Bella seconds. Roll call vote:
Yes (elect Saffa): Bella, Mario, Leigham, Khoi, Sarah, Saffa
No (not elect Saffa; effectively voting for Krish): Krish
Abstain: Masen, Ajax, Jose
With 6 ayes, 1 nay, 3 abstentions, Saffa is elected President.
Masen floor nominates themself for Vice President. Mario seconds. No objections, motion passes.
Bella floor nominates herself for Vice President. Mario seconds. No objections, motion passes.
Jack wins the Vice Presidency by ranked choice vote. Full results: https://www.rcv123.org/results/a1QF1mGxftJR7Dytsa71Bg/jF2Kno4AikHXafNGTh4RTo - Member’s Privilege and Discussion Forum
Bella on behalf of Chris: IRWG program launch big success, 160 attendees
Mario and Liam – want to do a theory reading circle. Amy: working on this with Bronco YDSA, Mario can take the lead on this.
Ajax moves to require Amy to give them Mac n Cheese. Amy waives order objection. Mario seconds. Amy objects.
Yes: Mario, Ajax, Krish, Sarah
No: Masen, Leigham, Bella, Khoi
Abstain: Amy
With 4 ayes, 4 nays, and 1 abstention, the motion fails.
Mario alleges this election was stolen.
Mario moves to perform an insurrection. Amy rules this out of order under the Constitution.
Ajax moves to buy anyone on campus this Friday food. Point of clarification: Ajax is paying. Ajax will order it on Uber Eats. Ajax says any time before one. Bella seconds. Amy moves to amend by setting the time as 11am. Mario seconds. No objections, motion passes. Mario moves to amend to call it “Picnic with the Comrades”. Masen seconds. No objections, motion passes. Original motion: no objections, motion passes. - Adjournment
Mario moves to adjourn. Krish seconds. No objections, motion passes; the meeting is adjourned at 8:08 PM.