Minutes have been added to the agenda.
This meeting shall take place in TSU Gilman AB and shall run from 7:00 PM to 8:15 PM. Attendees are highly encouraged to come in-person; however, this who are unable can join on Zoom.
- Call to Order
Saffa calls the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. - Roll Call (5 min)
Present (members): Annette, Jack, Khoi, Chris, Saffa, Tristan, Eric, Mario, Leigham, Sarah, Masen, Ibraheem
Excused (members): Amy
Visitors: Rachel, Landon - Approval of the Agenda (1 min)
Jack moves to approve the agenda. Mario seconds. No objections, motion passes. - Welcome and Icebreakers (15 min)
The Steering Committee will welcome members to the new semester and lead a short icebreaker activity. - Membership Drive (10 min)
The Steering Committee will help attendees join the Discord and become formal members of Titan YDSA. - Reports
President Saffa Nahi: UCI PAS is holding a panel on leftist parties, Titan YDSA may be sending representatives. Titan YDSA is working to build coalitions to defend undocumented immigrants.
Vice President Jack Henderson: Discussing a possible range day with the SRA, an organization that teaches self defense in order to protect marginalized communities.
General Secretary Amy Parker: Welcome back everyone! Sorry I can’t be here, thanks to LADWP. The OCDSA BDS/Palestine Working Group is up and running now meeting every other week at 8PM Sundays on Zoom. You can join the OCDSA Slack to get the link, DM me or another member. The next meeting is on February 9. You should also come to the next OCDSA meeting, a Socialist Forum on Palestine happening on February 22 at UCI, room TBD. I am also working on the following issues which you should contact me about if you’re interested: DSA/YDSA National Convention resolutions, divestment, and suing the Trump administration to block the gender non-recognition executive order.
Treasurer Annette Sorensen: Submitted a fundraising request for the Chapman/State College Panda Express. Will be buying nicer tabling materials with money from the fundraising – considering table weights, money to print color flyers on campus, candy, and real tape. For tabling, recommending a paper registration/email list form so we can get supporters, answer questions; will approve expenditures for a clipboard.
SMC Mario Lugo: Been in contact with a DSA-LA member to set up a future action.
CEP Bella Rollison: CHANGE ASI! candidates need to attend the mandatory orientation on February 13th. Yields to Ibraheem, who brings up how DSS has been removing accomodations for students with mobility issues. - Discoverfest Signup (5 min)
Members will be asked to assist with Discoverfest on Wednesday January 29 3-6PM and Thursday January 30 11AM-2PM.
Members who volunteered: Khoi, Annette, Ibraheem, Jack, Bella, Saffa, Amy. - Vote on Co-Sponsoring the OCDSA February Socialist Forum on Palestine (5 min)
Members will be asked to vote on whether to co-sponsor the OCDSA Socialist Forum on Palestine which will take place on February 22 (a Saturday) from 11AM to 1:30PM at UCI (room TBD).
By automatic cloture, the motion is voted on by roll call vote.
Ayes: Annette, Saffa, Leigham, Mario, Landon, Rachel, Mason, Jack, Bella, Khoi, ChriS, Tristan, Ibraheem, Sarah
With 14 ayes, 0 noes, 0 abstentions, the motion passes. - Setting Priorities for the Semester (30 min)
Members will discuss and vote on priority campaigns for the semester. Topics to discuss include divestment/Palestine work (newly rejuvenated), immigration defense, queer rights on campus, police demilitarization/abolition, CHANGE ASI, and political education.
Jack shares that he believes we should focus on more domestic issues while clarifying that he is not downplaying the severity of the ongoing genocide in Palestine.
Tristan asks if it is possible for Titan YDSA to organize protests. Jack responds that he will need to discuss any legal issues with Amy before organizing protests.
Saffa shares that she believes Titan YDSA campaigns should focus on student-related issues for the duration semester.
Chris shares that he believes that Titan YDSA should focus on protecting undocumented students on campus and shares that he will be organizing canvassing events and creating flyers for deliver information on the matter. Bella agrees with Chris and mentions that focusing on these issues will help Titan YDSA reach Hispanic and Latine students.
Jack mentions that queer rights are also an important issue to focus on for the semester.
Chris adds that OCDSA voted to revitalize their political education program and invited Titan YDSA to participate. Saffa adds that Bronco YDSA has been working to create a book club and suggested merging the two actions. Chris agrees and mentions that he will speak to OCDSA members about it.
Jack moves to have a roll call vote on whether to focus on domestic issues. Saffa seconds. No objections, motion passes.
Ayes: Jack, Saffa, Mario, Leigham, Tristain,Mason, Landon, Annette, Rachel, Chris, Eric, Khoi, Ibraheem, Sarah
With 14 ayes, 0 noes, 0 abstentions, the motion passes.
Jack asks if anyone has any last topics to discuss.
Tristan expresses his worry for the coming years under the trump administration and suggests a “Death to CEOs” rally. Jack agrees that many people are scared. Tristan reiterates the importance of having a rally addressing corporate greed after the Luigi Mangione assasination, citing the Black Lives Matter movement as an example. He shares that he believes that with enough organization, socialists could possibly overthrow the U.S government. Jack compliments his energy but says that we do not have the resources to take revolutionary action. Bella agrees and adds that we should focus on healthcare issues instead. Jack suggests we table the discussion for a later time. - Adjournment
Jack moves to adjourn. Saffa seconds. No objections, motion passes. The meeting is adjourned at 8:29 PM.