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On DSA National, AOC, and the Movement for Palestine

FULLERTON, California. Titan YDSA stands in full solidarity with the Palestinian Youth Movement, National SJP, Within Our Lifetime, and all the Palestinian organizations who have rightly criticized and demanded accountability from the national Democratic Socialists of America and its National Political Committee. This comes in light of years of DSA failing to properly support and fight for Palestine, which has been amplified recently with the re-endorsement of AOC (which we had previously openly opposed) and the refusal by DSA “electeds” (including Jamaal Bowman, Bernie Sanders, AOC, and others) to support Palestine.

Make no mistake that we will not stand idly by as the NPC engages in Zionism apologia in its support of these politicians. It is absolutely clear where these politicians stand, from their votes on H.Res.888 (which makes it an official statement of Congress that anti-Zionism is anti-semitism) to their vote to authorize further funding to the Iron Dome and their endorsements of Genocide Joe. Bowman, in continuing to defend the “Israeli” government, even fedjacketed DSA members and others who tried to hold him accountable for his actions.

Electoralism may be part of the diversity of tactics, but under no circumstances should we ever betray our principles for electoral gains. If we cannot hold our own electeds accountable for their actions which actively harm the Palestinian cause, how can we ever hope to achieve a level of power that can institute real change? Those who do cross our red lines are not our allies, and Palestine is a clear red line.

We reject and fully condemn the attacks on the organizations leading the movement from Palestine, including Within Our Lifetime, the Palestinian Youth Movement, and the various chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine across the country. We stand with you, even when National DSA will not. We reject the outright lies that have been spread by politicians from LA to DC to NYC, including with the recent protest over the illegal sale of Palestinian land in Los Angeles.

At Titan YDSA, we fully uphold Thawabit, the key principles of Palestinian liberation: the rights of resistance, return and self-determination of/for the Palestinian people, and Jerusalem/al-Quds as the capital of Palestine. We have are in full support of these principles, and reject all those who reject them. It is outrageous that some who deem themselves on the “left” – or that even call themselves “socialist” – reject these principles; any who do so are fundamentally opposed to international liberation.

We are not the only part of DSA, or the only YDSA chapter, to speak openly about this. University of Albany YDSA published a statement in solidarity with the Palestinian liberation movement, and so too has Tacoma DSA and DSA’s Libertarian Socialist Caucus. In other DSA and YDSA circles, there has been nationwide pushback against the NPC and support for PYM, SJP, and WOL; it is safe to say that the majority of truly active DSA and YDSA members are fervently opposed to the recent actions of the NPC.

These actions by DSA, in direct contradiction of the wills of the membership and the demands of Palestinian organizations, are absolutely reprehensible and betray the principles we all have agreed to uphold. The DSA Constitution clearly states that:

We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit, alienated labor, gross inequalities of wealth and power, discrimination based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, age, religion, and national origin, and brutality and violence in defense of the status quo.

DSA Constitution and Bylaws, as amended by the 2023 National Convention

How can we both reject such an order and yet endorse those who uphold it? How can we “oppose discrimination based on race” and endorse candidates who are openly supportive of a “government” whose own Basic Laws demand that it oppress and exterminate Palestinians? How can we claim to reject “brutality and violence in defense of the status quo” and yet eliminate our own working groups seeking to overturn the status quo?

These are not new developments by these politicians. They have shown their true colors for years. Within Our Lifetime began distancing itself from DSA in 2021 because of Jamaal Bowman; outrage against his actions is not new. AOC has never truly supported Palestine, and has never been remotely a socialist or in support of international liberation. Despite this, the large Bread and Roses caucus of DSA – who claims to call themselves “Marxist” and “rooted in the multiracial working class” – voted for AOC’s endorsement, serving as the swing votes.

In particular with AOC, it has recently been made even more clear that, if she must choose between following even the most minimal of principles regarding Palestinian liberation – requirements less than Thawabit – or lose DSA’s endorsement, she would rather kick us to the curb. While a surprise to members of the National Political Committee, this was no surprise to us or to most YDSA chapters; we have always seen through her “progressive” front for the institutional-upholding Zionism apologist she is.

National SJP demanded that DSA take accountability for their recent and historic actions. Today, we echo that call. Those in the National Political Committee and National Electoral Committee, as well as in the leadership of NYC DSA, who have fought against the Palestinian liberation movement, voted for the endorsements of these candidates, or taken other action not in alignment with the Palestinian red lines either immediately vote to undo what they have done and publicly apologize for their actions, or resign from their positions.

Titan YDSA Steering Committee

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